2010年-今, 曲阜师范大学物理工程学院,副教授,青年教授,硕士生导师。
2. 山东省研究生优秀科技创新成果奖,一等奖(2010年)。
[1]Zhong-Xiao Man,Yun-JieXia and NguyenBaAn,On-demand control of coherence transfer between interactingqubitssurrounded by a dissipative environment,Physical Review A89, 013852 (2014). (SCI 2区)
[2]Zhong-Xiao Man, NguyenBaAnandYun-JieXia, Non-Markovianityof a two-level system transversally coupled to multiplebosonicreservoirs,Physical Review A90, 062104 (2014).(SCI 2区)
[3]Zhong-Xiao Man, NguyenBaAnandYun-JieXia, Improved quantum statetransfervia quantum partially collapsing measurements,Annals of Physics349,209-219(2014).(SCI 2区)
[4]Zhong-Xiao Man, NguyenBaAn,Yun-JieXia andJaewanKim,
Universal scheme for finite-probability perfect transfer of arbitrarymultispinstates through spin chains,Annals of Physics351,739-750(2014). (SCI 2区)
[5]Zhong-Xiao Man,Yun-JieXia and NguyenBaAn, Manipulating entanglement of twoqubitsin a common environment by means of weak measurements and quantum measurement reversals,Physical ReviewA86, 012325 (2012). (SCI 2区)
[6]Zhong-Xiao Man,Yun-JieXia and NguyenBaAn, Enhancing entanglement of twoqubitsundergoing independentdecoherencesby local preand postmeasurements,Physical Review A86, 052322 (2012). (SCI 2区)
[7]Zhong-Xiao Man,Yun-JieXia and NguyenBaAn, Entanglement measure and dynamics ofmultiqubitsystems: non-MarkovianversusMarkovianand generalized monogamy relations,New Journal of Physics12, 033020 (2010). (SCI 2区)
[8]Zhong-Xiao Man,Yun-JieXia and NguyenBaAn, Robustness ofmultiqubitentanglement against localdecoherence,Physical Review A78, 064301 (2008). (SCI 2区)
[9]Zhong-Xiao Man,Yun-JieXia and NguyenBaAn,Genuinemultiqubitentanglement and controlled teleportation,Physical Review A75, 052306 (2007). (SCI 2区)
[10]Zhong-Xiao Man,Yun-JieXia and NguyenBaAn, Effects of initial environmental correlations in the dynamics of open systems,Journal of the Optical Society of America B30,1092 (2013). (SCI 3区)
[11]Zhong-Xiao Man, Nguyen Ba An, Yun-Jie Xia and Jaewan Kim, Controllableentanglement transfer via two parallel spin chains,Physics Letters A 378(2014) 2063–2069 (SCI 3 区)
[12]Zhong-Xiao Man, AndreaSmirne,Yun-JieXia, BassanoVacchini, Quantum interference induced by initial system–environment correlations,Physics Letters A 376(2012) 2477–2483. (SCI 3区)
[13]Zhong-Xiao Man,Yun-JieXiaandShao-MingFei,Equation of motion formultiqubitentanglement in multiple independent noisy channels,J. Phys. A: Math.Theor.45(2012) 195306. (SCI 3区)
[14]Zhong-Xiao Man,Yun-JieXia, Quantum teleportation in a dissipative environment,
QuantumInfProcess11:1911–1920 (2012).(SCI 3区)
[15]Zhong-Xiao Man,Yun-JieXiaandNguyenBaAn, The transfer dynamics of quantum correlation between systems and reservoirs,Journal of Physics B44,095504(2011).(SCI 3区)
[16]Zhong-Xiao Man, Y.J. Xia and N.B.An, Quantum dissonance induced by a thermal field and its dynamics in dissipative systems,European Physical Journal D64, 521 (2011).(SCI 3区)
[17]Zhong-Xiao Man, Ying-JieZhang, F. Su, andYun-JieXia, Entanglement dynamics ofmultiqubitsystem inMarkovianand non-Markovianreservoirs,European Physical Journal D58, 147 (2010). (SCI 3区)
[18]Zhong-Xiao Man, Y.J. Xia,A genuine 3N-qubit entanglement and controlled teleportation,Optics Communications283, 4411 (2010).(SCI 3区)
[19]Zhong-Xiao Man,Yun-JieXia, NguyenBaAn, Entanglement dynamics for the doubleTavis-Cummings model,European Physical Journal D53, 229 (2009).(SCI 3区)
[20]Zhong-Xiao Man,Yun-JieXia, NguyenBaAn, Entanglement dynamics of W-like states within the framework of tripleJaynes-Cummings model,Journal of Modern Optics56, 1022–1028 (2009).(SCI 3区)
[21]Zhong-Xiao Man, Y. J. Xia and N.B. An, On conditions for atomic entanglement sudden death in cavity QED,Journal of Physics B41,085503 (2008). (SCI 3区)
[22]Zhong-Xiao Man, Y. J. Xia and N.B. An, Entanglement dynamics for a six-qubitmodel in cavity QED,Journal of Physics B41,155501 (2008). (SCI 3区)
[23]Zhong-Xiao Man, Y. J. Xia and N.B.An, Economical and feasible controlled teleportation of an arbitrary unknownN-qubitentangled state,Journal of Physics B40,1767 (2007).(SCI 3区)
[24]Zhong-Xiao Man,Yun-JieXia and NguyenBaAn, Quantum secure direct communication by using GHZ states and entanglement swapping,Journal of Physics B39, 3855(2006). (SCI 3区)